Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage

Do you want to stop sabotaging yourself?

I’m sure you can think of a time when you’ve got in the way of you creating the relationship, friendships, health, career, or financial freedom that you want.

You probably don’t have to dig that deep, right?

I’m here to tell you that we ALL sabotage ourselves!

I’m going to offer you a practice that’ll help you to overcome your self-sabotaging behaviours, but first let’s dive into the concept of self-sabotage.

You can’t stop perpetually doing something that your know is bad for you, whether that’s over eating, overexercising, drinking or smoking too much, choosing inappropriate or unavailable partners, pushing friends and family away when you really need their support, plodding in your job that makes you unhappy instead of following your passion…

There’s an energetic reason for this.

So you can stop beating yourself up for your lack of will-power, right now :) 

There are themes that you have chosen to play out in this lifetime based on your karma and soul contracts from other lives. 

Within these themes, previous soul contracts and ones created in this lifetime show up as energetic blocks and restrictions that are causing you to perpetuate behaviours that aren’t aligned to who you really are - which, by the way, is a powerful sovereign creator who’s default setting is love, joy, peace and abundance. 

Therefore, you’re acting out the negative energetic signatures of these blocks and restrictions, which in your actual physical life looks like…

…over eating, overexercising, drinking or smoking too much, choosing inappropriate or unavailable partners, pushing friends and family away when you really need their support, plodding in your job that makes you unhappy instead of following your passion…

You get the picture!

Having an Akashic Records reading gets to the root cause of the blocks and restrictions that are preventing you from breaking free from these behaviours so you can live in alignment with who you really are. 

Identifying what these blocks and restrictions are allows you to cut the karmic ties with these energies so that you can live in your preferred state of being, which I’m guessing is somewhere along the lines of love, joy, peace and abundance, rather than fear, anxiety, confusion and pain.

Yesterday I shared a magical moment with a client in our post-reading follow up call.

The predominant theme in his reading was creating balanced relationships where he was no longer over giving. During our call I could feel that his energy had shifted and he shared that he felt he could finally uphold the boundaries he had set for himself in his relationship with his partner, because he’s no longer afraid the relationship will crumble if he isn’t over giving. 

Like my client, you can stop sabotaging yourself, too, and you can start now by raising your consciousness around your self-sabotage tendencies. 

In order to evolve you must first shine the light of consciousness on what is.

Firstly, it’s vital to practise self-compassion and acceptance. This isn’t about being a perfect, positivity robot. It’s about meeting yourself where you are and choosing to take new action to embody the frequency of your true nature.

I invite you to acknowledge that: 

There are particular negative behaviours or patterns you’ve been perpetuating that you haven’t been able to let go of before now, and that’s OK. 

With the below practice you’re observing and accepting these behaviours without self-judgement.


You have the power to CHOOSE who you want to be in every moment.

Now spend some time journalling around the following:

  1. What are the areas of my life where I can’t stop repeating the same negative patterns?

  2. What are my sabotaging behaviours? (What happens when I hit the “fuck it” switch)

  3. What are my thoughts, emotions, physical sensations when I’m in sabotage mode?

  4. How do I feel afterwards - mentally, emotionally, physically?

Getting to know your behaviours is the first step to letting go of the negative karmic patterns that are preventing you from breaking free from self-sabotage.

Remember, you have the power to unlock your infinite potential.

Lots of love,

Sammy x

Sammy Sturgess

Akashic Records & Multidimensional Integration

The Akashic records are the gateway to your manifestation process.

Know yourself at soul level, realise your infinite potential, create your world.

3 ways to connect with your life’s purpose


Great News! You don’t have to change.