Great News! You don’t have to change.
Self-improvement, personal growth and spiritual development are important to you, but does it feel like you’re constantly striving to be a version of yourself that you currently aren’t?
Well I’ve got some great news.
You already have everything you need to be the most in-the-flow, energised and creative version of yourself. There’s nothing else to collect, attain or achieve to access your higher vibration - Woo hoo!
Below I’ll share with you a practice so you can create space toallow the calm, confident and connected you to shine.
Your soul and higher mind are already functioning with precision and clarity. But it’s difficult to hear its wisdom over the volume of your conditioned mind (You know, that little person who thinks they’re charge because they shout the loudest!).
Although your conditioned mind does a great job at keeping you safe, left unchecked it thinks it’s running the show and has become identified as the ‘real you’ who needs to figure everything out.
In learning to recognise when the conditioned mind has taken the wheel, two things happen:
You’ll be able to choose not to act on the conditioned mind’s fear based solutions which cause you to perpetuate the same negative patterns and themes, over and over again (karma).
You’ll free up space for your higher mind to run the show, bringing clarity, synchronicity, and magic into your everyday life.
So what people actually mean by “upping your vibration”accessing more aspects of your being, beyond the physical, emotional and mental realms, in order to have a better command of the creative energy that is available to you.
And this happens automatically when we let go of the mechanisms of the conditioned mind that aren't useful.
The key is that you don’t need to change, you just need to let go - of your conditioned mind thinking it's in charge - so that the power of your being can shine.
In an Akashic Records reading we explore your soul’s vibration rate to see how much of your higher mind you’re currently allowing to run the show and the areas where your conditioned mind is perpetuating negative cycles and themes in your life.
Once we’ve identified these, you can neutralise them and allow your higher mind to do its thing.
And you get to watch your world change around you.
In the meantime, you can put into practice right now and it will have a huge impact.
Next time you have to make a decision about something, and you don't immediately know what to do, say or how to act:
Hit the pause button. Thank your conditioned mind for trying to figure it out but say “I’m going to allow space for my higher mind to engineer this”
Close your eyes and breath in for 4 seconds through your nose, hold for 4 seconds, breath out for 4 seconds through the nose, hold for 4 seconds. Do this five times. And now listen to that still voice within
Choose not to act straight away. Maybe you have been here many times before and you know the negative result your usual response will bring. Maybe you ask someone a question you wouldn’t usually ask. Maybe you have the confidence to do nothing and allow things to unfold in a situation where usually you’d jump in and try to fix it immediately
Clarity will always come if you allow space for your higher mind to function fully.
Have a great day and remember that you’re already everything you need to be.
Sammy x