What is your Akashic record?

Thank you for being one of my valued subscribers.

You mean the world to me!

My priority, as ever, is your personal and spiritual development. In my quest to support you to step into your power as the limitless creator of your experience, I have become a practitioner of a modality so powerful that it literally changed my life, and brought my partner, my career and my child into manifestation.

I want to give you the opportunity to bring all your dreams to life by harnessing the power of your Akashic Record - the energetic database that stores your soul’s wisdom, experiences and infinite potential. 

Entering into this realm gives you a deep sense of connectionto who you really are - beyond your thinking mind and the feeling that it’s you versus the world.

Connecting to your Akashic Record enables you to find freedom from those energetic blocks, soul contracts and negative patterns that keep you treading water. 

Living in greater alignment with who you really are allows you to focus on the things that excite you. As a result the world around you can’t help but change in the most miraculous ways. 

Now, if all this sounds a little far out, I understand. Think of it like this: 20 years ago very few in the west talked about meditation and now its benefits are widely accepted, and science shows us that this once esoteric practice, has an incredible effect on our wellbeing.

Accessing our Akashic Record is simply a more specific way for us to draw out insights from those realms we encounter in meditation. 


Your first step with me will be an Akashic Records reading. This largely unknown source of insight empowers you to realise your infinite potential and live a life in greater flow with who you really are - it supercharges your ability to create peace, harmony and fulfilment in your life. 

This blog will be a space where I share articles about how tuning into your Akashic Record can help you to cultivate greater self-trust, harness your gifts, connect to your purpose and change your life, one soul-inspired action at a time.

Sammy x

Sammy Sturgess

Akashic Records & Multidimensional Integration

The Akashic records are the gateway to your manifestation process.

Know yourself at soul level, realise your infinite potential, create your world.


How to make choices for your own good.